duminică, 3 iunie 2012


În perioada 21-29 aprilie 2012, Asociația YF-YOUTH&FUTURE implementează schimbul de tineri –ALL TOGETHER FOR A BETTER WORLD / TOTI IMPREUNA PENTRU O LUME MAI BUNA!, proiect finanțat de Comisia Europeană – Programul Tineret în Acțiune – Acțiunea 1.1. Proiectul beneficiază de participarea a 36 de tineri din Turcia, Bulgaria, Italia, Ungaria și România și are ca scop promovarea cetateniei europene active a tinerilor, sustinerea ideii de solidaritate si toleranta in vederea consolidarii coeziunii sociale in Uniunea Europeana, precum si cooperarea europeana in domeniul tineretului.
Astfel, timp de 9 zile, la Pitesti, in perioada 21.04 - 29.04.2012, tinerii participanti din 5 tari europene vor impartasi idealurile europene comune, intr-un climat de interculturalitate si constientizare a valorilor europene comune! Obiectivul general al acestui proiect este dezvoltarea solidaritatii si promovarea tolerantei in randul societatii civile in general, si in special al tinerilor, in spiritul unei cetatenii europene active, prin actiuni de voluntariat si educatie non-formala.

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ALL TOGETHER FOR A BETTER WORLD sustine, de asemenea, ideea de voluntariat prin solidaritate umana si incluziune sociala a copiilor aflati in dificultate, prin vizita de lucru si workshop-ul  organizat la Centrul de copii Sf. Constantin si Elena din Pitesti, miercuri 25.04.2012, cat si prin donatii de carti/ albume/ pliante de prezentare din tarile, respectiv regiunile/ municipalitatile participante in proiect, care vor constitui o sursa de dobandire de noi cunostinte despre tarile europene, dar si o amintire placuta, creata acestor copii defavorizati de soarta, prin stabilirea unor contacte cu tineri europeni de varsta lor. De asemenea, toti tinerii participanti vor avea oportunitatea de a-si insusi valori si cunostinte culturale diverse, prin metode de educatie non-formala, astfel incat ei sa devina constienti de principiul european fundamental al unitatii prin diversitate, in spiritul prioritatii europene generale a Programului Tineret in Actiune – dezvoltarea invatarii interculturale in randul tinerilor. Tinerii europeni vor constientiza si ei misiunea lor de integrare sociala a altor tineri defavorizati, raspunzand astfel unui alt obiectiv al programului, acela de a dezvolta solidaritatea si de a promova toleranta, pentru consolidarea coeziunii sociale in Uniunea Europeana. Reusita actiunilor proiectului va declansa la nivelul personal al fiecarui participant constiinta propriei reusite, acest lucru contribuind la intarirea respectului de sine, un rezultat secundar, dar cu efecte maxime asupra dezvoltarii personalitatii unui tanar. Promovarea cetăteniei active, a incluziunii sociale si a solidaritătii în rândul tuturor tinerilor este unul dintre obiectivele specifice ale politicii cooperarii europene in domeniul tineretului pana in anul 2018. Este vital să oferim tuturor tinerilor posibilitatea de a-si realiza la maximum potentialul. Aceasta presupune nu numai investitia în tineret, punând la dispozitie resurse mai mari pentru a dezvolta politici care influentează viata de zi cu zi a tinerilor si le sporesc bunăstarea, ci si responsabilizarea tinerilor, prin promovarea autonomiei acestora si a potentialului tinerilor de a contribui la dezvoltarea durabila.

De asemenea, prin organizarea unor evenimente de tip Street Event miercuri, 25 aprilie 2012, în trei locații cheie: Centrul Sf. Constantin si Elena - Pitesti, Sala de conferinte a Consiliului Judetean Arges (unde pe langa o intalnire si discutii cu oficialitatile judetului, va avea loc si o conferinta de presa, pentru diseminarea activitatilor proiectului) si Amfiteatrul Muzeului Judetean Arges, tinerii promovează participarea egalilor lor în promovarea dialogului intergenerațional, a combaterii sărăciei și excluziunii sociale și a promovării voluntariatului ca mecanism de dezvoltare personal și profesională. Într-un cadru intercultural si lucrativ, cei 36 de tineri participă la ateliere bazate pe tehnici și metode de educație non-formală și promovează conceptul de cetatenie europeana activa, solidaritate si incluziune sociala, voluntariat, cat si programul Tineret în Acțiune și oportunitățile oferite de acest program tinerilor in general. Atât partenerii internaționali - BOLU I MILLI EGITIM MUDURLUGU - Turcia, CESIE - Italia, YOUNGSTERS OF SATA ASSOCIATION - Ungaria, KNOW AND CAN ASSOCIATION - Bulgaria, cât și partenerii locali – Consiliul Judetean Arges, Universitatea de Stat din Pitesti, Centrul Sf. Constantin si Elena, Muzeul Judetean Arges, Muzeul Golesti, Asociatia YF – Youth & Future organizație resursă pentru acest proiect, susțin eforturile celor 36 de participanți și ai egalilor lor – peste 70 de studenți si tineri care vor lua contact cu activitățile proiectului, pe parcursul proiectului, în identificarea unor mecanisme de activare a participării tinerilor în combaterea efectelor saraciei și excluziunii sociale.
Pentru orice detalii sau informatii suplimentare, urmariti interviul nostru de la Curier TV / 14.12.2011, ca si aparitiile in presa din saptamana 21-29.04.2012, blog-ul si website-ul organizatiei: http://asociatiayouthandfuture.blogspot.com/ si http://www.youthandfuture.ro/proiecte.php?i=49.
Aparitii media:
Articolul ,,Proiect european de schimb de tineri", publicat in Jurnalul de Arges 1 - 7 februarie 2012, pagina 6 si articolul Tineri pentru tineri aparut in saptamanalul Dialog studentesc brancovenesc in data de 26 aprilie, paginile 1 si 3, Articolul ,,Tineri din 5 tari eurpene viziteaza Pitestiul", aparut in saptamanalul Jurnalul de Arges in dat de 02 - 08 mai 2012, pagina 12 si stirea aparuta in urma vizitei de curtoazie efectuata de catre grupul de tineri participanti in proiect la Consiliul Judetean Arges in data de 25 aprilie 2012 (Arges TV, Curier TV si Alplha TV) si aparitii in publicatii online:

Deviza noastra este: TINERI PENTRU TINERI! Nu exista nu pot, exista nu vreau!

<object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Zrfs0SydXd8?version=3&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Zrfs0SydXd8?version=3&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

miercuri, 18 aprilie 2012

PROGRAM ACTIVITIES 21 to 29 April 2012 All together for a better world

The project “ALL TOGETHER FOR A BETTER WORLD/ TOȚI ÎMPREUNĂ PENTRU O LUME MAI BUNĂ” has the main goal to develop intercultural learning process and good skills for youngsters – the main European priority for 2011 year.

PROGRAM ACTIVITIES 21 to 29 April 2012

Day 1: April 21:
Arrival / accommodation of participants
Introduction to the atmosphere and accommodation - Pitesti and Bucharest presentation: tips, ideas for spending time, brief history, geographic location, language, food habits (for Cheer-up trying to remember something: hello, thank you, rolls, cake)
Official opening. and brief overview of the project. Providing feedback on participants: general objective, specific objectives, homework project, program activities, other questions.
Interactive games (mimic) for presentation to the participants. Expectations and fears of the project, the group and the organizers. Initial Evaluation: questionnaire began.
It will draw lots which teams will be mixed, for. strengthen citizenship / team and multilingualism.
Welcome party

Day 2: April 22:
Energizer RO
Presentation of participating countries and organizations
(who had the cultural evening will start next day with Energizer, in order to strengthen intercultural learning)
General problems of disadvantaged children in the participating countries. Each promoter present study conducted / theme.
Presentation of how children come in orphanages. Causes and effects of this phenomenon. What measures should be taken to curb this phenomenon, and if everyone knows what examples can give a solution. Citizenship.
Workshop: Solidarity and social inclusion through volunteering: how young people can contribute to a better world in which all children have equal opportunities. The theme is presented by each promoter. Youth will learn non-formal method of abstract generalization.
Workshop: Solidarity and social inclusion through volunteering: how young people can contribute to a better world in which all children have equal opportunities.
Cultural night BG

Day 3: April 23
Energizer BG
Presentation statistics and steps you take each country to improve the situation of children in centers
Overview: What is volunteering - principles, organizations, activities / each country, eg. good practice.
Theatre Forum: Solutions for changing people's attitudes towards disadvantaged children, as can be sensitized public opinion, the dissemination and popularization measures we
Workshop: Defining the concept of making advertising / humanitarian issues to be dealt with to convince people to get involved in the lives of children in centers
Workshop: Making the actual material to be dealt with to convince people to get involved in the lives of children in centers.
Cultural night TR

Day 4: April 24
Energizer TR.
Presentation materials made
Meeting with young people in central St Constantin and Elena C Pitesti. Presenting organizations and youth activities. interactive discussions
Animation street, talking to people / folders sharing project, dissemination activities and project objectives, team presentation. Watch dev. communication and relationship skills of young people.
Workshop. Conclusions about the reactions of the young people came into contact, not liked, that would improve that impressed. What solutions they see to change things.
Meeting with the Department for Child Protection Arges-official position of authorized institutions on the situation of underprivileged children. Young people can have an interactive dialogue.
Cultural night HU

Day 5: April 25
Energizer HU
Invite a group of children in central St. Constantin and Elena run together for the games and activities
on "What it means to be European citizen"
Type icebreaking games
Activities with children: drawing, singing, reading. It will work will be interactive and mixed groups.
Socio-educational animation. Activities with children: drawing, singing, reading. Each promoter will bring materials to promote the region of origin and explain these children is important.
Socio-educational animation. Activities with children: drawing, singing, reading. Offering gifts (albums, books, souvenirs). By experimentation, young people improve their relationships and social skills.
Open space: discussion and conclusions of the day - Park kids, a perfect place for the method of non-formal open space.
Cultural Night IT

Day 6: April 26
IT Energizer
Introduction to art, culture and traditions Arges.
Itinerary historical - cultural intercultural learning. Vlad Castle
Discovering the natural beauty of local - Dam Vidraru
Tradition, history, legend - Arts and Culture. Arges Monastery legend of Master Manole.
Return to Pitesti. Relaxation time
Cultural night EN

Day 7: April 27
Energizer EN
Introduction: The desire to be voluntary. What motivates young people to engage in volunteer activities.
Lived experiences and perspectives of volunteering - examples of good practice. Youth will learn non-formal method of conceptualizing.
Debates on youth projects for young, active European citizenship, volunteering, social inclusion and tolerance / discrimination. Presentation possibilities and Youth in Action program, SALTO, VET and EVE platform.
Workshop: case study on children's center. Decisions and solutions for further activities in this project started.
What type of project could provide a useful follw-up ALL TOGETHER ... The theme for thought. 2 day.
Public cafe: day impressions and intermediate conclusions. Youth will learn to focus on summarizing what was and what remains to be done.
Cultural night POR

Day 8: April 28
Energizer POR
Presentation of how each participant will apply this experience in their countries and how the project will provide the feedback and follow-up.
Arts and Culture Museum Golesti. Outdoor activities, creative games with non-formal education methods for active experimentation.
Open space: outdoor activities, creative games that will use non-formal education methods: concrete experience, reflective observation.
Workshop: Proposal for new projects. Fulfillment / neindeplinirirea expectations. Future hopes.
Creating facebook page and together we will make the project summary and concluding with the announcement of proposals for follow-up.
Feed back to the final project. Mini. Exchange of souvenirs between "secret friends". Awards for different categories voted on by the young. Handing Youthpass, select the most representative moments / photos / memories.
Farewell party

Day 9: April 29:
Official closing of the project
Departure / Airport

marți, 7 februarie 2012

EFCA Project - European Citizen Activators Network

YF-Youth & Future Association is involved in a European Citizenship project - EFCA Project - European Citizen Activators Network - 09/01/2012 - 06/01/2013.

- IPRESS, Italy
- MOST ART, Hungary
- YF- Youth& Future, Romania

Objective: establishment of a competence network to reach a new (better) standard of knowledge in the field of citizens participation and development by bundling various knowledge and exerience standards. 

1. National or local workshop with 20 - 25 participants 
2. Set up of virtual communication and data pool (website issues) - the project uses modern technology for the active discussion of topics in the field of citizen activators development and benefits from the internet as an important discussion forum.
3. International Conference Understanding Citizenship in Pitesti, Romania. The individual opinions and results will be collected on the website and will be available to all participants as a basis of discussion in order to hold an international conference in october to etablish European Federation that will facilitate the transfer of know-how and outlast the duration of the project. 

The firts meeting was in Plovdiv Bulgaria on 30 - 31 january.